TankTerminals.com has signed a Cooperation Agreement with Hobbit Imaging Solutions for the exclusive integration of Hobbit’s Vessel Clearance Guide software into TankTerminals.com’s database platform.

With the partnership of www.tankterminals.com and www.vesselclearance.com a combined platform is realised where customers can find all relevant terminal information. Besides general terminal information and storage availability from now on terminal customers can automatically complete a vessel clearance request.

“A customer’s decision to discharge a vessel at a terminal, depends on whether the vessel is able to perform the requested manipulation (i.e. load/discharge) at a terminal,” said Hobbit Imaging Solutions. “Therefore vessels go through a vetting process each time they could be nominated, this is called a Vessel Clearance Request.”

For traders, the swiftness in receiving vetting feedback impacts the decision to make or leave a deal. By automating the vessel clearance process the clearance results are immediately available, efficiency is increased, and mistakes are excluded.

For more information visit www.hobbit-is.nl and www.tankterminals.com

8th January 2019

8th January 2019